A perfect fit for those that want to fly cross country on a regular basis or just dreamt of touching the clouds!
The instrument rating is an add-on for pilots to fly through low visibility conditions such as clouds or rain. According to statistics, 76% of accidental VFC into IMC resulted in fatalities. The instrument rating also raises the overall safety of Aviation.
A person who applies for an instrument rating must:
Hold at least a current private pilot certificate or be concurrently applying for a private pilot certificate with an airplane, helicopter, or powered-lift rating appropriate to the instrument rating sought.
Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language.
You must have logged the following:
At least 50 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot in command. At least 10 of these hours must be in airplanes for an instrument-airplane rating.
A total of 40 hours of actual or simulated instrument time on the areas of operation listed in 61.65(c).​
We offer a package deal to meet all of the above requirements and up to:
*50 Hours Flight
*25 Hours Ground
An estimated time frame of training: 2-4 Months